
Religious Education: Good News for Living

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An Aramaic word for “father”. Aramaic, similar to Hebrew, was the language Jesus spoke. Abba was the word Jesus used for God, his loving Father. It is also an affectionate title given to senior monks in Egypt from which derives Abbot, the superior of a monastery of men, and Abbess, the equivalent for women. In either case the monastery can be called an Abbey.


Religious writings of the ancient Jews and Christians that are not included in the Bible (for example the gnostic Gospels). There are seven books in the Catholic Old Testament that Jews and Protestants regard as apocryphal, but which Catholics accept and sometimes refer to as Deuterocanonical (Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1&2 Maccabees, as well a few additions to Daniel and Esther).


Literally (Greek) ‘messenger’; ‘the apostles’. The Church is apostolic: coming from God, sent by God.


The title given to bishops who govern archdioceses, as for example the Archdiocese of Hobart. A bishop is the first teacher in faith for a diocese.


The process of gathering and interpreting information about student learning. This is done for a variety of purposes.

Assessment Strands

Religious Education is organised into three interrelated strands: Knowledge and Understanding, Inquiry and Communication and Discernment and Making Connections. These assessment strands are used to assess the learning of students at all levels from Foundation to Year 10.


The Christian sacrament of admission and adoption using water and anointing with oils.

Before Common Era

B.C.E is an alternative to B.C (Before Christ) dating the years before the birth of Jesus.


(from biblion: Greek) A collection of books or scrolls of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.

Canon Law

The official collection of Church laws (see canonical)


This involves two separate though related issues. One refers to the Canon of the Bible, meaning the list of books the Church accepts as sacred because they are inspired by God. The other is Canon Law, whereby the law of the Church recognises and authorises a teaching or practice of the church.


The process of instruction in the Christian faith of a believer. Religious Education may include catechetical moments.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church (see below) is the catechism that is in most widespread use among Catholics today. It is the official catechism of the Church. A catechism is a summary or exposition of doctrine. Catholics believe that sacred scripture and sacred tradition preserved and interpreted by the Church’s Magisterium are both necessary for attaining to the fullest understanding of all of God's revelation.


Literally meaning ‘universal’, a mark of the Church meaning centred on Christ and excluding nothing or no one. Catholicity is the expression of this core integrating idea in contemplation, critical thought, compassion and celebration via symbols, study, community life and service.


From Latin ‘Christos’ meaning saviour as in ‘Jesus the Christ’

Christian Scriptures

According to some it refers to the entire Bible (New and Old Testament, since both, and together, are Christian Scripture), and to others it is an alternative naming of what is commonly known as the New Testament of the Bible.


The people of God, a pilgrim people called out to fulfil the mission of God’s love and be a light for the world. First mentioned in the Christian scriptures as the ‘ecclesia’ (in Greek), which means 'called out'.

Common Era

C.E. is an alternative to dating the years after the birth of Jesus. It is used instead of A.D. (Anno Domini, meaning “In the Year of the Lord”).


Communion is derived from the Latin communio, meaning fellowship or a common sharing. It also refers to receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist and to full participation in and membership of the church.


The people of a Christian community who gather together, usually for prayer. It can also refer to a parish or to a community of men or women who have professed public vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, e.g. Sisters of Mercy, Marist Brothers.


The human capacity to evaluate (see discernment) and choose a course of action that is in accordance with the presence of God’s Spirit in our lives.


to consider thoroughly; think fully or deeply about. Also to pray in stillness and silence as inspired by scripture and the monastic tradition.

Content Element

A grouping of concepts which helps provide structure to the religious education curriculum. In Good News for Living there are eight elements (previously called strands): God, Jesus Christ, Church, Sacraments, Scripture, Christian Life, Christian Prayer and Religion and Society.

Critically Evaluate

containing careful or analytical examination and judging of the merit or significance of something.


A term covering all of the arrangements made by a school to foster student learning and development. It is sometimes used more specifically to refer to a particular discipline or organised content area with relevant goals and learning experiences, as in the Religious Education Curriculum.


to state or set forth the meaning of (or to determine or fix the boundaries or extent of) a word or topic


to perceive the difference in or between.


to discern is to use reflective thinking, to weigh up or judge the meaning of an idea or issue


This is a term used to mean the following of Jesus in service to his mission. It is a way of life that must involve risk, hope, and a willingness to speak out in urgent, self-sacrificing and counter cultural ways to promote the message and values of the good news of Jesus.

Doctrinal Concept

The expression of Church doctrine within a curriculum conceptual framework.


A church teaching (e.g. see the Incarnation or Immaculate Conception)


The efforts by Christian churches to work toward full unity among all baptised peoples in the world in the service of the unity of all humankind.


This is the part of theology that considers the final things or the end time and the ultimate purpose and meaning of life and death.


Literally (in Greek) ‘thanksgiving’ and also called by Catholics ‘The Mass’; the consecrated bread and wine becomes spiritual food- body and blood of Christ.


The process of gathering and reflecting on information about the effectiveness of policies, programs, units and teaching practices. Its purpose is to improve the quality of planning and learning.


Bringing the Good News of the Gospel to all humanity, especially the most needy, and transforming the world from within.


Faith is a response of committing one’s whole self freely to God in response to God’s grace.


To thrive. To become what one is intended to be. To seek life to the fullest.


The Creator, a mystery that loves us, beyond time and our understanding and yet present with us, loving all people and all creation


The basic meaning is “God’s gift”, and ultimately the gift of God’s own self. It has two essential aspects: it is free (as in gratis) and it is beautiful (as in graceful); and its purpose is to transform those who receive it in faith.

Hebrew Scriptures

The Scriptures of the Jewish peoples before Jesus of Nazareth. An alternative naming of what is commonly known as the Old Testament of the Bible. However, it should be noted that the Hebrew Bible is not exactly the same as the Catholic and Orthodox Old Testament.


Christian hope is a humble and strong virtue that stretches us towards the good that God wants for us. It supports us, so that we do not drown under the many difficulties we face in life.


The doctrine of the incarnation refers to Jesus Christ as fully God and fully human. Its central meaning is that humans can become transformed or divinised so we reflect God as our truest selves ‘for he was made man that we might become God’ (St Athanasius, On the Incarnation).

Integration Key Concept

The purposeful planning by teachers of goals, strategies and learning experiences to enhance the quality and integrity of learning across different curriculum areas.


Jesus (from Aramaic Jeshua) the Christ (which means saviour), the Son of God, second person of the Triune God, who was a Jew born in Nazareth and lived in Roman occupied Palestine (c.3 BCE- c.29 CE), was crucified, and Christians believe rose from the dead, ascended into heaven will come again on the last day (see eschatology).


Happiness, delight (from Latin – gaudium), Gift of the Holy Spirit

Kingdom of God

see Reign of God.


A central idea that brings aspects of knowledge into a meaningful whole. It provides a broad ‘cognitive map’ which is useful in exploring related ideas.


The communal prayer of the Church especially when celebrating the sacraments.


The teaching authority of the church, especially that of church councils, popes and others bishops.


(from Aramaic Marium) The mother of Jesus of Nazareth who is venerated by the church as the Mother of God, the Theotokos, literally "Giver of birth to God" Catholics doctrines concerning Mary include the Immaculate Conception and her Assumption into heaven


Loving Kindness and compassion towards others (from Hebrew hesed)). Pope Francis believes it is “this is the Lord's most powerful message” and has proclaimed in 2016 a Jubilee Year of Mercy making it the key theme of his papacy. He has invited the church to explore the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy!.


Literally (Latin: mission) meaning ‘sent’, it refers to Jesus Christ’s commissioning of the church to got out to all the world and spread the Good News of God’s love, especially to those who most need it.

Missionary Disciples

Every Christian is challenged to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather that we are always “missionary disciples”. (Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, #120)

New Evangelisation

Pastoral strategies directed to reawaken in baptised people a renewed relationship with Christ and the Gospel, a sense of living faith and belonging within the Church community.

Original Sin

The doctrine of original sin teaches that every person is born into a world greatly affected by sinfulness, and that each person has an inclination to personal sin. It derives from the teaching of St Augustine and the Jewish teaching about the “evil inclination” (yeserhara).


Or Learning Outcome: a result of learning and teaching. The outcomes of a learning sequence are identified through the assessment strategies and the evaluation of the learning and teaching process.


This was a lay holiness movement within the Judaism of Jesus’ time, dedicated to renewal and observances of the Law of Moses. After the destruction of the temple in the year 70, they became the spiritual leaders of Rabbinic Judaism, and came to be known as Rabbis.


Our openness to allow God to communicate through us and in us in liturgy, art, silence, stillness, communion with others and creation.


to announce or declare in an open way (see Witness):


a place or state after death where souls are purged of sin that inhibits them before they face the love of God in heaven


The act or practice by which the intellect turns back on itself or its own operations.

Reign Of God

The world in right relationship with God and itself, more commonly called the “kingdom of God”, defined by St Paul as “justice and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)


Systems of belief (often, but not always, with reference to a deity or deities) including sacred books, rituals, ethical and spiritual practices, laws and social organisation.

Religious Education

Making accessible knowledge of the traditions of a particular religion or various religious traditions.

Resource Bank

An organisational arrangement of learning and teaching resources for students and teachers. Their purpose is to assist teachers of Religious Education present a cohesive and sequential program that builds on previous learning.


God’s free and loving self-communication principally through Scripture and Tradition. The word itself stems from the Latin, revelatio, which means ‘unveiling’ or ‘uncovering’.


Effective signs of God’s presence e.g. consecrated bread is a sign that makes effective Christ in the flesh


The priestly aristocracy who disagreed with the Pharisees on a number of theological points, most notably by rejecting the idea of the resurrection of the body.


Inhabitants of Samaria, the land between Judea and Galilee. They believe in one God and follow a form of the Mosiac Law, but worshipped on their sacred mountain, Mt Gerizim, not Jerusalem. In the time of Jesus, there was intense dislike between them and the Jews.


A break or damage to our relationships with creation, neighbours, God or self, to a fuller (mortal) or lesser degree (venial). (See Original Sin and Spiritual Beings).

Spiritual Beings

Human beings are free embodied spirits created by God (see Incarnation). While our truest self reflects God, our false selves, being free, are inclined by false desires to personal sin which distorts our relationship with creation, others and God (see Original Sin).


This is a principle of justice that is founded in the belief that everything God created is good. Every Christian therefore must be a responsible and sharing steward of all creation – recognising that our relationship with the world must be respectful, conserving and fair to all. (see Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’, 2015 about eco sustainability and eco-conversion).

The Immaculate Conception

Catholic Church doctrine that the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the womb of her mother St Anne was free from original sin by virtue of her son Jesus Christ.

Theological Conversations

‘Stimulus papers’ supporting the Good News for Living RE Curriculum which are an invitation to theological conversation. They are structured in a Q&A format to facilitate this ‘dialogic’ approach to theology. ‘Theology’ is literally ‘God-talk’: a conversation about, and from within, faith in God.


A conscious attempt to bring thoughtful, reasoned and insightful expression to the human experience of faith in God. St Anselm famously defined it as ‘faith seeking understanding’.

To Know, Worship and Love publications

Since the inception of the Good News for Living Framework, the text book series To Know, Worship and Love (KWL) has played an underpinning role in its implementation in classrooms. In conjunction with effective pedagogy KWL can provide a solid basis for valuable student learning for students.


The rich and dynamic process through which the entire story of the people of God is handed on to and by diverse peoples, communities and human cultures. The Christian Tradition includes doctrines and teachings, forms of liturgy, spiritualities, art, music, customs, in fact, the living and active faith witness of all the baptised through the ages.

Triune God

This refers to the Christian teaching that God is a Trinity, a relationship of love between the originating source of love (the Loving Father) and the ultimate object of love (the Beloved Son) fully united and absolutely one through the very being of Love they share (the Holy Spirit).


This refers to the Christian teaching that God is a Trinity, a relationship of love between the originating source of love (the Loving Father) and the ultimate object of love (the Beloved Son) fully united and absolutely one through the very being of Love they share (the Holy Spirit).


To give testimony concerning something of which one has direct knowledge. In 1975 Pope Paul VI made the statement, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” Evangelii Nuntiandi #41

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